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Penile Injury

Penile Injury

About 22 months ago I was accidently bitten by a
ignorant Female about 1 1/2 inches from the tip of
the Penis which created chronic Pain. I take
Neurontin, 600 mg per day, which does help. I am
in search of medical help or direction in solving
my problem. My Urologist and a Pain Specialist
told me it could be months to years , or who
knows, before I may heal. I notice a warm feeling
when my Penis touches my leg. I am told that this
is the Nerve endings misfiring Being a 55 year old
male in good health, I had a great sex life belore
my accident. Life was great even, if I worked 55
hours per week. Now I have to take lots of
Anti-inflamatories, to keep the pain down to work
a stressful job to keep the $ coming. Living in
Memphis, TN. USA, there are no Specialists here
who have experience in Penile Bites,etc. I am told
that Stem Cell,etc may help in the healing
process. I would be in your debt forever if you
had any ideas, direction, or help for me. I would
even buy your time and expertise. I know that
there are many other men out there like me who
have "No Direction" and eventually give up.



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