Psychological research has concentrated on parental and environmental phenomenon, and the urological disciplines do not include sexual behaviour. Scientific research has overlooked this area of human sexuality.

This site discusses phimosis in its specific forms of phimotic ring, frenulum breve, adhesions or skinbridges. During erection these conditions inhibit the relationship between foreskin and glans. This functionally restricts the erection, and thus has an effect on the sexuality. With our culture's attitudes on health care, it would be appropriate to encourage early prevention.

Jan 2021 : Please read the new summary.


Grewel wrote: "It is as remarkable that a part of the surface anatomy of the man received no name, as that the phenomenon of the erosion or laceration of the frenum and its alae, though not unknown, receives so little attention, and is even manifestly neglected in medical literature. . . . That excoriation of the frenum praeputii has also been neglected by psychiatrists and psychoanalysts is even more remarkable."

"The psychodynamics of this repression on the part of the physicians is a striking phenomenon in itself. It cannot be masculine pride alone ... which has caused the phenomenon to be neglected by male physicians and psychoanalysts, and caused it to be forgotten in dermatological literature. ... resulting in a general or collective repression of the phenomenon."(82). While Grewel was referring principally to the frenulum, the above statements seems valid for all the persisting and painful conditions.

After saying that psycho/sexual experiences due to frenulum breve were to be seen as delusions, the head psychologist at the Institute of Sexual Research in Hamburg informed me that they have seen many men who believed that their frenulum breve condition was the cause of their sexual disturbances. (61)

This is significant, Grewel also reports frequent cases. Why do so many men consult the psychologist about these phenomena instead of the Urologist?

They themselves appear to believe that an anatomical problem could not influence sexual behaviour or perhaps they consider that worries about ones penis are symptomatic for a psychological problem, the psychologists certainly confirm this.

Some men will say "Yes it causes pain and tension, but that is not the problem"; it appears that admitting to a psychological dysfunction is preferable to admitting to a foreskin problem. It is the responsibility of sexual advisors to use common sense and advise these men that with painful erections one can expect psychological disturbances.

It is surely, primarily the responsibility of the Institutes for Sexual Research to actually research these sexual phenomena.

As mentioned one psychologist at the Hamburg Institute for Sexual Research informed me that they have seen many men who believed that their frenulum breve condition was the cause of their sexual disturbances. When it was suggested that these men may be correct in their assumptions, the answer was that this is not the case because "... they had it cut away and then there was no change in their disturbances" (61).

What an incredible world these psychological specialists live in! - Surgery cannot be expected to change ingrained personality traits and self images in any significant way. As an adult, the sufferer has adapted to, and has identified with his modified personality, so even after the operation, unless he brings the process to consciousness, no difference will occur.

Then consider that without a good listener or other encouragement, repressed phenomena have little chance of becoming conscious. It is unfortunate that friends will have as much interest in his condition as if he had ingrowing toe-nails, but more disturbing is that highly trained (and highly paid) psychologists and therapists will attempt to persuade him to endure further unecessary upheavel by reviewing his childhood and the relationship with his parents.

This traditional methods of analysis was openly supported by a second expert at The Institute for Sexual Research in Hamburg (93). It is obvious that these experts have no understanding of the anatomical effects of foreskin conditions; no understanding of their behavioural symptoms and no interest in any patients explanations.

Incidently Grewel and Wabrek (sexual therapists who understood something of foreskin conditions) were discovered in Hamburg`s sexual research department`s own library. - Wabrek is discussed in NOTES for the SEXUAL THERAPIST

(And please see all your own choice for a gentle word to the practitioners of alternative medicine).