This site discusses phimosis in its specific forms of phimotic ring, frenulum breve, adhesions or skinbridges. During erection these conditions inhibit the relationship between foreskin and glans. This functionally restricts the erection, and thus has an effect on the sexuality. With our culture's attitudes on health care, it would be appropriate to encourage early prevention.

Jan 2021 : Please read the new summary.


>Firstly I would like to congratulate you on an excellent site which is very informative.

>I am a male of 28 years of age and have until recently suffered from congenital phimosis. I opted for a partial circ which did take some convincing to get the doctor to perform as he was more in favour of a full circ. .....I got my way.

>During the surgery the doctor also separated the major adhesions which were exposed (70 % of the glans). Unfortunately throughout the healing process of the circ the foreskin again adhered to the glans (only to approx 50%).

>A second operation to remove the adhesions was again only partially successful. The doctor at the same time performed a frenuloplasty due to a frenulum breve which existed. This was also only partially successful. There are still adhesions around the rim of the glans as well as a fairly severe frenulum breve. An additional side effect of the operations has been a restriction of the urinary opening which has reduced to a 1mm opening restricting urine flow and causing the urinary tract to balloon behind the glans as a result of the pressure.

>It appears that I am having more than my share of difficulties with this situation. The surgeon who performed the two operations is a general surgeon and I have considered contacting either a urologist or a plastic surgeon for the third attempt at corrective surgery as the results thus far have not been too aesthetically pleasing either.

>I would appreciate any advice you may be able to offer.


yes I agree, you do seem to have had your fair share .... its hell, and then even worse is if you start seeing therapists and psychologists, because they seem to think that "genital pain is all in the brain" ... sorry I havent much clue about treatments ... the complicatiuons caused by late treament emphasise how important it is to check and treat early.

all I really know is that men need to talk publicly about the sexual problems they have had with adhesions, frenulum etc. .... only then will the medical profession start realising the importance of treating them properly.
