Re: penile fracture??

Written by Robin at 17 Dec 2000 16:14:06:

As an answer to: penile fracture?? written by John at 25 Sep 2000 05:17:44:

Both the following letters describe my own condition, pains are evident also when flaccid peyronnies, doesn`t occurr suddenly and it creates plaques (hard calcified areas under the skin) fractures have some symptom of bruising bleeding or cracking

I suspect a nerve is trapped in all cases, either traumatically or gradually,

The gradual cases might indicate bad sitting posture etc. where a nerve becomes slowly trapped, some sort of electro treatment may well help, but it would be a haphazard trial and error method without a diagnosis, and it seems impossible to diagnose rips in very small nerves

anaesthetic creams can relieve the pains temporarily (and this might be worth a try in order to check the nerve diagnosis) - neither letter says if their testes are affected - I believe removal of one of the testes could cure some cases, ... (and am reminded of testicular extripation, or the removal of one of the testes which is reported among some ancient African tribes). ---

The files
fracture - trauma
show the extent of my knowledge on this, --- sometime someone will come up with an answer ....


Forum letter 523
penile trauma, sex injury, partner on top

Written by Mark at 26 Jul 2000 04:43:59:

Please help me anyone!! I am 30 years old. About 3 months ago I had sex with my girlfriend on top. Suddenly when I was not expecting her to move and when my penis was not quite erect she moved very hard and fast!! And I felt a rather sharp pain in my penis (cloaser the end of the penis). I was able to continue to have sex with her but it was quite uncomfortable and rather painful. There was no signs (bruising or bleeding or cracking sound) Just pain. After few days we had sex again but this time I finished fast because of the uncomfortable feeling near the tip (the end) of my penis. I am no longer sexually active because my girlfriend is away for the next 2 months. But after I masturbate pain increases a bit.

I went to see two doctors and the urologist. I was told that I had nothing to worry about. Some trauma: I have tore, pulled, or rapture something inside, and that „it will heal when it will heal.‰ And I got no prescription nor treatment for this trauma.

So far the pain is not very sharp but it is extremely annoying and I feel it ALL THE TIME. I take codeine sometimes to reduce the pain. I find it difficult to concentrate at work because the pain gets annoying. It feels like a pinching or cutting sensation.

I have three questions:

1. When will it heal? 2. Is ultrasound or laser treatment or some anti inflammation cream an effective treatment? 3. Is it possible that I have dammed or ripped a nerve instead?

Please, help anyone!! I am loosing my mind because of this constant pain. Besides I am worried that my girlfriend will be disappointed when I tell her that I am sore after sex.

Thank you very much.

Forum letter 677
penile fracture??

Written by John at 25 Sep 2000 05:17:44:

I started having aching pain on the right side of my penis about 2 years ago. The pain was present when flaccid and erect but hurt most after an erection. There is no hard plaque in the area. Then 6 months after the pain started i began having change in rigidity of my erection. Now i dont wake up with erections and they are weak when i try to get them. I dont know what the hell happened. Could i have mildly fractured the penis somehow. IF anyone knows anything about penile fractures I would appreciate it!!!!!!

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