Re: 18yr old

Written by RS at 16 Apr 2000 19:24:29:

As an answer to: 18yr old written by steve at 11 Apr 2000 10:42:33:


>im 18 and have never been able to retract, will this change at all in the next few years or will it continue to be like this?

you dont say why it wont retract or what problems you have, so we could guess that if you dont do anything to change your situation then it`ll stay pretty much the same as it is now.

I could also guess from the sense of vagueness in your description with no conscious difficulty that this indicates a full phimosis (this is not a personal insult, vagueness is a common symptom) -------- and for phimosis then betamethasone or a minimal dorsal slit are admirable modern all cure options

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