This site discusses Phimosis, Frenulum Breve and the Epithelium, and their relationship to Male Initiation and Identity.
Much modern medical information on circumcision (from popular literature to reports in medical journals), recommends that the best care for a foreskin is to leave it alone. These reports are all based on Øster's misinterpreted study. Øster made his report following 7 years of education and monitoring. Such care and attention obviously results in less problems.


The medical profession needs some sort of guideline about what to check for. - to ask the boy to retract his own foreskin and then to check the frenulum is the essential test. Checking the frenulum would reveal any other condition - (except a relative phimosis, however if no ring is visible when flaccid, then this will not lead to paraphimosis).

The most appropriate attitude would be to always ask the boy to retract his own foreskin, (for a variety of reasons which are discussed in prevention). BUT, when the boy is asked, does he understand the question? If not, then the idea that an important part of his manhood lies hidden, is probably not apparent to the boy.

The doctor is truly in the position of leading an important part of the boy's initiation into manhood. It may be a good idea to tactfully inform the boy that the foreskin normally retracts, and first give the boy a little time to get used to this new idea.

See: How Not To Check reports of checking in Germany.